Files are the foremost visible and therefore the most precious feature of any computing system to its users. Files provide a mechanism for the long term storage of data.
They remain to exist even if the computer is switched off. Files are stored within the concentric circular tracks of a floppy or a tough disk.Before a file are often used for reading or writing , it must be opened.
This is done by a call to the fopen() function. The function fopen() requires two arguments :
1. File name
2. Option (r, w, a, etc)
They remain to exist even if the computer is switched off. Files are stored within the concentric circular tracks of a floppy or a tough disk.Before a file are often used for reading or writing , it must be opened.
This is done by a call to the fopen() function. The function fopen() requires two arguments :
1. File name
2. Option (r, w, a, etc)
Option indicates what we want to do with the file :
(a) read it
(b) write to it
(c) append to it (writing at the end).
Below are the file opening options for text files:
- r This option opens existing file for reading the content in it.
- w This option opens(creates file if not present) and it deletes previous content.
- a This option opens(and makes file if needed) and this option does not delete previous content and writes at the end of file.
- r+ This option opens existing file for reading and writing. It behaves like 'r' (read only) with the option of writing.
- w+ This option creates and open file for reading and writing, it deletes previous content. It behaves like 'w'(write) with the option of reading.
- a+ This option opens (creates if file not present) file for reading and adding content in file. It behaves like 'a' with the option for reading.